2012: A Spatial Odyssey
So here it is; my blog and my inaugural post in my latest sortie into the world of social media and communication.
Why am I doing this? Well to be honest I'm not really sure, other than 140 characters in Twitter is almost always too succinct for my thoughts and having a blog seems like a good way for me conjecture, capture, shape and share my thinking (not that I'm expecting many people will probably ever read this!). I'm way behind the curve on all of this social-media, but like the ethos behind the original garage-punk scene I am loving the DIY 'anyone can do this' spirit behind all of this.
Hopefully the blog title is relatively self-explanatory and I'm fully expecting all things spatial and GIS will be the primary topic covered (apologies now to any misguided Clarke or Kubrik fans). However in the truest sense of an odyssey I would not bet against the journey getting lost, diverted and heading down many a dark-street as we go. If I can figure out what I'm doing I hope to be able to tag my entries in a meaningful way so if anyone is interested in my thought then at least they can filter through the clutter.
At this stage I have no idea how often I will post, and I can make no guarantees regarding the intellectual brilliance, thoughtfulness or insight on display. We'd also better add punctuation and grammar to that list too.
What I can be more certain of is that I will not be setting out to use any 'shock and awe' tactics on this blog to try and elicit more readers or provoke comment, outrage and furore. Comments and views expressed will be my own (unless otherwise stated) and will be based upon my observations, perspective, understanding and knowledge; all of these things are likely to flawed on occasion and therefore all entries will be open for comment in order that I may be corrected on errors and omissions, or that alternative viewpoints and opinions can be expressed.
Thanks for reading and welcome.
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